Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008

beautifull Indonesia,,

Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat indah,,kekayaan alamnya sangat memukau,,,saya ingin berbagi info sedikit tentang salah satu keajaiban yang ada di Indonesia ini. semoga kamu2 tertarik dan akhirnya ingin berkunjung ke sana,,,

oke..enjoy ita!

nike ceria!!!

Taman Nasional Bunaken

Taman Nasional Bunaken merupakan perwakilan ekosistem perairan tropis Indonesia yang terdiri dari ekosistem hutan bakau, padang lamun, terumbu karang, dan ekosistem daratan/pesisir.

Pada bagian Utara terdiri dari pulau Bunaken, pulau Manado Tua, pulau Montehage, pulau Siladen, pulau Nain, pulau Nain Kecil, dan sebagian wilayah pesisir Tanjung Pisok. Sedangkan pada bagian Selatan meliputi sebagian pesisir Tanjung Kelapa.

Potensi daratan pulau-pulau taman nasional ini kaya dengan jenis palem, sagu, woka, silar dan kelapa. Jenis satwa yang ada di daratan dan pesisir antara lain kera hitam Sulawesi (Macaca nigra nigra), rusa (Cervus timorensis russa), dan kuskus (Ailurops ursinus ursinus).

Jenis tumbuhan di hutan bakau Taman Nasional Bunaken yaitu Rhizophora sp., Sonneratia sp., Lumnitzera sp., dan Bruguiera sp. Hutan ini kaya dengan berbagai jenis kepiting, udang, moluska dan berbagai jenis burung laut seperti camar, bangau, dara laut, dan cangak laut.

Jenis ganggang yang terdapat di taman nasional ini meliputi jenis Caulerpa sp., Halimeda sp., dan Padina sp. Padang lamun yang mendominasi terutama di pulau Montehage, dan pulau Nain yaitu Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, dan Thalassodendron ciliatum.

Tercatat 13 genera karang hidup di perairan Taman Nasional Bunaken, didominasi oleh jenis terumbu karang tepi dan terumbu karang penghalang. Yang paling menarik adalah tebing karang vertikal sampai sejauh 25-50 meter.

Sekitar 91 jenis ikan terdapat di perairan Taman Nasional Bunaken, diantaranya ikan kuda gusumi (Hippocampus kuda), oci putih (Seriola rivoliana), lolosi ekor kuning (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps dan Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila gasi (Scolopsis bilineatus), dan lain-lain.

Jenis moluska seperti kima raksasa (Tridacna gigas), kepala kambing (Cassis cornuta), nautilus berongga (Nautilus pompillius), dan tunikates/ascidian.

Musim kunjungan terbaik: bulan Mei s/d Agustus setiap tahunnya.

Cara pencapaian lokasi: Taman Nasional Bunaken dapat dicapai melalui Pelabuhan Manado, Marina Nusantara Diving Centre (NDC) di Kecamatan Molas dan Marina Blue Banter. Dari Pelabuhan Manado dengan menggunakan perahu motor menuju pulau Siladen dapat ditempuh + 20 menit, pulau Bunaken + 30 menit, pulau Montehage + 50 menit dan pulau Nain +60 menit. Dari Blue Banter Marina dengan menggunakan kapal pesiar yang tersedia menuju daerah wisata di pulau Bunaken dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 10-15 menit, sedangkan dari pelabuhan NDC menuju lokasi penyelaman di pulau Bunaken dengan menggunakan speed boat ditempuh dalam waktu + 20 menit.

Kantor: Jl. Raya Molas, Kotak Pos 1202
Manado 95242, Sulawesi Utara
Telp./Fax.: (0431) 859022

My Psyche is Orange,,what about you? find out!!

my Psyche is Red

I bright, bold, energetic, and intense.

I upbeat, zany energy inspires those who are down.

Spontaneous and playful, I also have a courageous and fearless side.

When I am too red: I am angry, overprotective, and truly scary.

When I don't have enough red: I feel depleted and lifeless.

to know more visit:

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2007

global campaign for education

Everyone has the right to an education. But there are 72 million children out of school and almost 1 billion adults who cannot read or write.

world's largest lesson, global campaign for education

Every year Global Campaign for Education campaigners all over the world are united for one week in April - for the Global Action Week.

The recent Global Campaign for Education’s World Assembly in Sao Paulo, Brazil reiterated its commitment to the fight for quality education for all and to mobilise as many people as possible for the 2008 Global Action Week.

2008 Largest Lesson

On April 23 this year, children and adults from all over the world will be attempting to break the world record for the Largest Simultaneous Lesson. This event is taking part in over 85 countries and is part of the campaign to get every child and adult needing an education in the world into school by 2015. It is expected that a coalition of charities, trade unions, parents and citizens’ groups worldwide will be part of this historical Guinness World Record attempt.

The record attempt will be part of the celebrations that will be held all over the world to commemorate Global Action Week from 21 - 27 April this year. It is hoped that this week will build on the past year's celebrations and increase awareness of the plight of the millions of children and adults who never got a chance to go to school. Unable to read or write, they cannot defend their rights and are mostly trapped in a lifetime of poverty. Around the world there are over 72 million children out of school and 800 million illiterate adults.

Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2006

How to save our planet ??

Want a Lick?
A cone beats a cup. Why? "You're eating your silverware instead of using plastic," says Matthew Modine, a passionate promoter of earth-friendly policies. "It's all about consuming less, using fewer of the resources needed to make products and packaging."

Clean Without Chemicals
Natural cleansers like vinegar and baking soda do a great job without harming the planet. "And," Matthew says, "a little vegetable oil and lemon juice makes a great wood polish."

Bag It
Get reusable cloth bags for the grocery store and the dry cleaner. More than 100 billion plastic bags are thrown away every year.

Stop Junk Mail
Every year 100 million trees are chopped down for junk mail sent to American homes. Contact the direct marketing association at to remove your name from mailing lists of their members.

Recycled Toilet Paper

A Better TP
Recycled toilet paper is scratchier than three-ply, but it's much softer on the environment. "It's like switching from whole milk to skim," says O writer Aimee Lee Ball. "After a while the beloved original seems over-the-top."

How Many People Does It Take To…
Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) use four times less energy than incandescent ones. If every American family substituted five CFL bulbs for incandescent, it would be equivalent to taking eight million cars off the road for a year. Ball says "They cost a little more up front, but they last
up to 15 times longer."

De-Lint the Dryer
Lint builds up after every dryer cycle, reducing the machine's efficiency. Removing it does a lot to decrease its usually massive energy use.

Pick Safe Paints
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, architectural coatings such as paints and varnishes are the second-largest source of fumes from volatile organic compounds, substances that evaporate at room temperature and react in sunlight to form photochemical smog. Look for cans with "No VOC." We'll all breathe easier.

Shorten Your Showers
Low-flow showerheads would be a big improvement. "If they're well designed, the pressure should still feel good," says Laurie David, another prominent activist in Hollywood. "For every two minutes you shave off your shower, you save 10 gallons of water."

Shut Down
The average computer left on all day uses nearly 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a year, producing more than a ton of carbon emissions. So turn off your computer anytime you're not on it, and eliminate the screen saver function, which uses more energy than the sleep mode.

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2003

TIPS,,How to get scholarship, step by step?

  1. Lay an eye to particular scholarship.

    I usually look at scholarship advertisment. If I found it interested, then I will apply. Although it is possible to find the department where you want to study first then apply the scholarship, I don`t do that because usually the nominal of scholarship is small. I am only interested to fully funding scholarship. Some scholarship, however, request you to apply officially to university and get accepted before apply the scholarship (mostly European scholarship I think)

  2. Get the scholarship form and read it carefully

    Make sure that you are elligible to the scholarship, you are within the age range, the topic you want is included, your background is acceptable etc. Some scholarship is mainly for gov. employee, some are for age 35 and below, you fulfil the minimum language requirements etc.
  3. Find the university you want to go

    Make sure that you know where you want to go. Only very few scholarship that just want you to write down what subject you want to do and you can choose the university later. Again, check the requirements carefully

  4. Collecting the requirement

    Be very careful with the requirement. If it requires international TOEFL/IELTS, then do it. If it is not specified, better ask than sorry. If it asked for 2 recommendations, get two, some even specifically asked for direct supervisor, make sure you get it as well. Some scholarship request you to develop contact with the department you want to study, then try to get it.

  5. Make sure that your application is "selling"

    Imagine yourself the person who need to select which application is acceptable, which is not. That person need to look hundreds and maybe thousands of application. Make sure that your application is neat, clear, concise, to the point and rich instead making it a flowery boring story that nobody want to finish reading it. Think, what is your strong point that makes you different from others, what is the founder agenda etc. Also make sure that when they say one page explanation, it`s one page. Try to put as much related information in the limited space

  6. Pay attention to deadline
Things to consider:
  1. Scholarship cost lots of money. Think that it is the founder investing the money on you. What can you give them in return. Therefore you must have a clear idea why you want to take the degree, why it is important for you to take that degree, what your future plan is, how the degree will support your plan, what is the benefit of your degree and knowledge for you, for your office, for your country and for the founder. Remember, no need to bluffing and saying things like "solving poverty problem in Indonesia" but be more specific and achievable such enhancing teaching language curriculum in University ABC, particularly in terms of develooping comprehensive student learning by doing approach. You must have the confidence that you need the degree, you can do it, and you can implement your knowledge in your work

  2. Master and above degree is not a path to get a job. I was wrong and tought master is sellable to get a better job. To some extend yes, but it is actually wiser to think that master should be used to enhance your qualification at work. Therefore, make sure that your educational background, your work and your proposed study are matched, or at least try to matched them

  3. Have confidence. Technically, passing the administration selection is the most difficult part. Possibility for a person to pass interview is much higher than passing the administration part. If you keep failing in the interview part, means that you are not really clear about your own proposed study (or you can`t express it well). During the interview, make sure that it is you that lead the interview, you should elaborate each question, and it is quite important to be original. Sometimes it looks nice if you quote from other sources (to make you look smarter). I like to quote Confucius saying during interview. During my interview for ASF, the major question was, "why do you want to this topic, and why you do it in South China? ." The answer: "Majority of research in this issue discuss the problems that occur in North China. If I do it in the north like other scholars, what will be my additional value? The project will use new approach in looking at the China`s one child policy beyond the common pattern where instead of comparing single and non single child, I compare male and female single child. That is my scholarly contribution for the discourse. Later one of the professor said that he is very impress with that answer, because they looking for original approach. So, make sure that you have the confidence, you have the educational background in that issue, and you seems know what you are going to do,

  4. Get the requirements they want

    Make sure that you can fulfil all the requirements. It is very useful if you have some additional things that you can offer. In my situation, I get involve with lots of social organisations dealing with HIV, drug abuse, community empowerment etc. Since I am doing social studies, these are very positive addition for my applications. Trainings, seminars, articles are important too.
Hope that the info are useful.